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If you are not sure where to click and what to type, we are here to help you with a quick crash course to get you started on your crypto journey with us.
If you are not sure where to click and what to type, we are here to help you with a quick crash course to get you started on your crypto journey with us.
In the fast-paced realm of cryptocurrencies, understanding the language is like deciphering a secret code. From “HODL” to “moonshots”
An alternative cryptocurrency called Litecoin (LTC) was developed in October 2011 by Charles “Charlie” Lee, a former Google developer.
Driven by blockchain technology, Ethereum is a global-decentralised software platform. Investors are primarily familiar with it through its native name ETH
An alternative cryptocurrency to Bitcoin, Shiba Inu is built on Ethereum and has the Japanese hunting dog breed, Shiba Inu, as its mascot.
Tron is a blockchain-based decentralised digital platform with its own cryptocurrency, called Tronix or TRX. Tron, a non-profit organisation based in Singapore.
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which was designed to act as money and a form of payment outside any person, group, or entities control.
USDT is a stablecoin that is supported by Tether’s dollar reserves and varies in value in relation to the US dollar.
Solana is a blockchain platform made to run scalable, decentralised apps. Currently managed as an open-source project by the Geneva-based Solana Foundation.
Investing in digital assets (Cryptocurrencies) presents risks of volatility and partial or total capital loss. The information and data on this site is provided for informational purposes only, although it has been compiled from reliable sources. This information does not constitute an offer by AFRIDAX to buy or sell cryptocurrencies and does not constitute advice, inducement or recommendation to invest in cryptocurrencies. AFRIDAX is an authorised FSP and Crypto Asset Service Provider (FSP #54234)